Following our Biosphere event on 29th June 2024 we are happy to confirm that the small woodland (with a pond) has populations of two uncommon Island plants:
Broad-leaved helleborine (Epipactis helleborine) – ‘an uncommon plant of shady woods on chalk and base-rich clay soils……the greatest concentration of sites around Havenstreet’ (Pope at al ‘The Isle of Wight Flora’). It has not been recorded around this area before.
The plants are near the wooden gate entrance
Lady Fern (Athryrium filix-femina) – a large fern …….’local and widespread in damp woodland……Usually on acidic soils….’ (Pope et al)
This can be found around the pond in the woodland.
This is good news for the Biodiversity Park at Branstone where not only do we want to encourage species from around the site to colonise and thrive but also to conserve the species that made their home here before the creation of the Park.